Solar power is a completely renewable energy source that is fast becoming the preferred power source for homes and businesses across South Africa. Considering the country averages around 2 500 hours of sunshine per year, and with the national provision of electricity both costly and unreliable, it’s definitely a power system worth considering. There are three types of solar systems available – on-grid, off-grid and hybrid. We’re going to take a look at the off-grid solar system and what this means for you.
What is an off-grid solar system?
An off-grid power system works independently of the national grid and relies solely on solar power. However, this can include a battery backup system to store excess energy for use when there’s little or no sunshine. The system harnesses the sun’s energy through the solar panels mounted on a roof or pool. This charges the batteries which store the energy and this is converted by the inverter into electricity.
The off-grid solar system consists of:
- Solar panels
- Battery / batteries
- Charge controller
- Inverter
- Grid box
- Mounting structure
Where are off-grid solar systems first-choice?
An off-grid solar system does come with its risk. When there’s no sunshine, there’s no electricity – unless, of course, you have sufficient battery storage. However, this particular system can be a really useful in certain circumstances:
- Rural or remote locations: Where connection to the national grid is unreliable or non-existent, then an off-grid solar system is really the best option.
- Unreliable supply: In a country, like South Africa, where frequent power cuts and load shedding are the norm, an off-grid system can provide the uninterrupted supply you need.
Why choose an off-grid power system?
There are several benefits that come with installing these self-sustainable systems if you decide to go this way. Here’s a look at some of them.
- Complete independence
When you go off-grid, there’s no more constant checking the news or your app to find out whether or not you’ll have electricity today. It’s all up to you now! You’re not subjected to the terms and policies of the national utility company, and you also won’t have to worry about those dreaded electrical bills every month.
- Long-term savings
Of course, there are costs involved in solar power installation, but there are massive savings in the long run. It’s also worth remembering that solar equipment has dropped in price by about 80% over the past decade or so, making it a more affordable option than before. The amount of sunshine you experience will impact the amount of solar power you have and how many batteries you need to invest in, but going off-grid will save you a huge amount of money over time.
- No blackouts
With a grid-tied system, you will experience power outages when the utility provider is down – which can be fairly often. But with an off-grid system, you still have power no matter what is happening with the national grid. This means bypassing power outages that make work life and home life so troublesome. Even when there is flooding, storms, or other unpredictable weather events, you can continue operating as planned.
- Easier installation
With the equipment of an off-grid solar system not dependent on the national grid, the installation of this is much more straightforward. There’s no complex infrastructure to rely on and the need for professionals with knowledge of the city’s electrical grid. With the off-grid solar system, there’s no need for trenching, making the installation even easier.
- Environmental benefits
As with a solar power system, off-grid solar is renewable making it the environmentally friendly choice. No matter who or where you are at the moment, the reality of the climate crisis will be hitting home, and it’s up to every individual to do their part.
What are the downsides of an off-grid solar system?
As with any power source, there are going to be some cons that factor against them – it’s just up to you to determine whether this is going to outweigh the many pros.
- Higher initial cost
You have to invest quite a lot in an off-grid system at the start. This is because you’re starting with all the initial costs including solar panels, solar batteries, solar inverters and solar charge controllers. However, once you’ve made the purchase, the cost savings can begin!
- Limited storage
Because there is no connection to the national grid, you are completely reliant on your solar system – even when there’s no sunshine. This means investing in solar batteries that can store excess solar power to run your appliances at night or when the days are a bit cloudier. For those in areas with a lot of sun, fewer batteries are needed though.
No matter the solar power system you want to go for, JUP Solutions are ready to help. The experts in all forms of power supply, they can perform a needs analysis to determine which system is best for you. They also supply the relevant equipment, install, maintain and provide support. JUP Solutions are your one-stop energy shop!
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